
We stayed at home this year to spend it with Coles family! Cole was gone to Football Coaching Clinics on Friday. Saturaday we woke up got the kids all ready and went to the Annual Ephraim City Easter egg hunt! The kids absolutely loved it!! Carter had to show me every single cant he found but still got so much!! Chasee was a little fighter! She was one of those kids that just as your bending over to pick up your candy some other kids would beat you to it and swipe it right out from under you! Didn't you just hate those kids! We tried to pull her away when others were around but she knew how to play the game!!

Next we went to Grandpa and Grandma Dentons! The kids did an Easter egg hunt there too that Grandpa or uh I mean the Easter bunny had all ready put out! Next we wtched my most favorite movie in the world, "Enchanted" and then Clay, Coles brother showed up with the cousins, Jordyn and Jaxson! So then we did a whole new Easter egg hunt with them!! Ate a delicious BBQ lunch and played, played Played!!!

This year the kids didn't wake up to the Easter Bunny's Treats. The house was just too big of a mess! So We woke up and Cleaned the house so that the Easter Bunny could come! And we did it all fairly fast with every ones help! Then we got all ready, while Dad made a big Breakfast! After we sent the kids out to play on the playground and joined them shortly after! After we had been playing out side a while, I thought I had heard something. Cole heard it too! So we asked Carter if he heard it and he said "Yea! Its the Easter Bunny!" So we quietly crept up to the house to try to sneak up on the Bunny. Carter was determinded to catch him! At the door we found the kids basket and bunny ears! Carter ran inside, and the Bunny was so quick he was already gone! But there were lots of treats and eggs left behind for the kids. Even an Outfit for each!

Chasee also got a purse for Easter and guess what the first thing was she put in it?

Thats right! TAMPONS! What a woman! She knows whats up!
Chasee being shy!

Chasee trying to hit me with her purse!

Also this month, the kids colored a whole wall in our bedroom with every color of permanant Sharpe Marker!! ITs a rainbow of Sharpes!! Now I have to get it primered and re-paint it! Nothing would get it out!! Any magical Idea's?
And On March 7, 2008. Cole and I Celebrated our 5th Anniversary! So wonderful! We went out to eat with my Sister Lindsee and Brandon and their family at OutBack! And then went back to their place and played games with them and Cole's brother and his wife, Shane and Christy! It was a blast! WOW! It's so wonderful to have Cole as my hubby!!
Carter is also Loving School!
Chasee I think is ready for Potty training! Scary thought!
I am Making a Big Gigantic Rag Quilt for our bedroom!
And Cole is as busy as a bee working on the re-modeling at Walmart!
So thats our March in the Short version! Love You all!!!!
Hey Kadee ~ your kids are SO cute! Those bunny ears were darling! And I LOVE Chasee's hair! Does she sit still pretty good for you?
Cute pictures! I also love those bunny ears! Sounds like lots is going on with you guys. We will get together soon! Fun blog!
I love all your pictures, you had a lot of catching up to do! I hear ya on the march has been busy. Things have been crazy for us here too. YIKES time is flying.
I love their easter baskets, how fun is Easter??
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