Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Oh My Goodness!!

oh my goodness!!

Okay so I am getting Carter ready for School and brushing his teeth and all of a sudden he says, "Look!" and pulls this box cutter out of his pocket!! Holy Crazy! How was he supposed to know. He see's Cole carrying those around in his pocket all the time because of work. Can you imagine if he would have pulled that out at school! Yah Big Trouble! Thank Goodness he showed me before! I am still dying! You see these little kids get suspended and in big trouble for putting a plastic orange gun in his back pack, not even understanding what they are doing, but a BOX CUTTER!!@!@


Gilly Funk said...

Okay that is freaky! But like you said it could have been alot worse if he would have wipped it out at school. YIKES, I can just imagine the trouble.

Lisa said...

That is really funny! Good thing you caught it, I could just imagine those teacher's over at the preschool! Carter is great! I love your kids!