The kids absolutely love bonding with Papa! He is just the greatest to play with them!

Tackling Papa!

Chasee trying to tackle Papa. Ha!

Everyday I gave Jennee one job while the parentals were away...
Day 1: Pooper scooper! Cleaning up all of the doggy poop in the back yard that has accumulated over the winter. My reasoning behind it- So I could lay out and the kids could play with out the fear of stepping in it.

She even tried Golfing with it! Yea, that didn't work so much!

So she went back to the shovel, and Carter took over the Golfing

Carter taking his turn at Pooper Scooper!

Wednesday is garbage day and i went to get the garbages and one was gone! Major wind storm took it away. So we drove all around the neighborhood looking for it. Finally we found it at the neighborhood park, all cracked and destroyed!

Carter found MaGa's tanning glasses!

Chasee decided MaGa's tanning glasses were the coolest! And took them every where she went the rest of the trip!

At the park.

At Jennee's softball practice

The girls flocking to Carter! Ha ha

and this is the end of our trip!

1 comment:
Chasee with those glasses is hilarious! Makes me wonder where mine are right now!!!
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