For dinner tonight Cole made BBQ ribs, a perfect meal anyone would pay money for ;) About halfway through dinner Carter got down to use the bathroom and then came out with something in his hands and started turning all the lights off in the house! We had no idea why but he did. Last he turned off the kitchen light and said, "Oh no! Its Dark!" And I said, "Oh no!" Carter then turned on the flash light in his hand and said,"Here you go mommy, Here you go daddy," And we just busted up laughing. Then one of us mentioned all we need now is some singing. And then we heard..."Twinkle Twinkle little star..." and Carter is pointing and swirling the flashlight across the ceilling. It was Perfect!! So we finished our dinners singing songs in the dark and following that we had our Family Home evening (in the dark)! Definately a night to remember!!
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